Sunday, 5 February 2017


Memory based Bits 2011 summer session paper
1)Which of the following excipient cannot b used in aspirin tablet?
2)Carrs index problem
3)Bioavailability problem comparision of 2 dosage forms with the standard drug
4)Higuchi equation is related to : square of time/square root of time..?
5) Anti malarial(pyrimethamine)
6)metabolite of cyclophosphamide?
7)sieve No......indicates no . of pores per : / Sq inch?
8)which of the following methods is not used to increase flow of powders: increase in particle size/decrease in particle size?
9)according to D&C, which of the following is allowed(ans-oncologist bearin a board infront of his house)
10) according to D&C, which of the following is not allowed(ans-advertisement to treat sexual diseases)
11)Optimum amount of dispersed phase in an emulsion:<50%/1-50%/40%?
12)p53 is:oncogene /tumor supressor gene?
13)digitalis increases cardiac contractility by:decreasing vagal tone/increasing vagal tone/increasing calcium levels..?
14)In heart impulse originates at :SA node/atria?
15)In Mass spectrometry negative ions r detected b? one of the option is "double focussing"
16)Which is filter aid: talc/paper pulp/bentonite/Mg.stearate?
17)Why codliver is cooled to <0 degree centigrade?
18)Which growth phase is more susceptible(Log phase)
19)Socotrine aloe is...?
20)Amino acid precursor for morphine alkaloids...?
21)Morphine alkaloids r always associated with(meconic acid)
22)Best method for SAR studies when structure of the target is not known:Dockin/Energy minimisation/3DQSAR?
23)SSRIs ...(Cheese reaction)
24)which analytical technique is used 2 separate large amount of samples:MS/NMR/GC/none?
25)When a substance is poured in a solvent and rapidly cooled by stirring:crystallisation increases/crystallisation decreases/no crystalisation?
26)Size reduction for fibrous materials?
27)Size reduction by ball mill at centrifugal speed: Attrition/attrition+impact?
28)a question on distillation
29)Which filter is used 2 separate large quantities: rotary filter/plate& frame filter?
30)Filteration increases by :Increasing pressure difference,\/decreasing pressure difference?
31)Palmidin A is from(rhubarb)
32)Macrolides donot contain:Large lactone/spiroketone/ketone?
33)Pencillin in dry syrup undergo:oxidation/hydrolysis/c
34)Detergent +iodine causes?(corneal damage-not sure)
35)which has intrinsic enzymatic actiity(tyrosine kinase)
36)which is not true about Sodium channels: they remain open as long as deploarisation persist/made of poly peptides?
37)4 questions from named reactions
38)Friability, disintegration tests for tablets r : Chemical tests/IPQA tests?
39)Vaso vasorum is in: arteries/heart?
40)Busulphan is assayed by ?
41)Sympathetic stimulation causes pupil to (dilate)
42)creatinine is : circulating hormone/chemical dat is not secreted?
43)stimulation of adrenal medulla releases:adrenaline/nor-adrena
44)Problem on absolute bioavailability
45)Age = 5yrs,body Wt.=17Kg,what is dose required for 10ml?
46)Keep them in corect sequence
a)raw material received
c)under test
e) rejected
47)Speed of air flow in HEPA filter:100m/s or 100m/min?
48)organism used 2 assay pantothenic acid?
49)enantiomers r ?
50)determining safety, efficecy include?(therapeutic index)
51)For polar drugs, which of these determine the rate of excretion: Rate of elimination/ Rate of distribution/Rate of absorption?
51)Cellulose acetate phthalate is used in (enteric coating)
52)Two or more flagella at one place(lophotrichous)
53)Groove in nose is called(Euschtachian groove)
54)Allowable limit of fluoride in (ppm) in tooth pastes?
55)In dentistry which semi solid dosage form is used to relieve pain after tooth extraction:creams/gels/pastes/
56)Grating efficiency is increased by : increasing no.of lines/increasing spacing between lines/ decreasing spacing between lines?
57)DTAB works with?
58)Balsams contain: cinnamic acid/resin alcohols?
59)Volume of distribution must b atleastequal to :blood volume/plasma volume?
60)secondary messengers r :intracellular/extra cellular?
61)Pot.dichromate is decolourised during titration by adding:solvent HCL/Reducing agent MGO?
62)In IR solvent & samples must b : hygroscopic/pure/amorphous/dev
oid of water?
63)Amount of ionised substance is found by?(handerson hesselbach eq)
64  )Folic acid deficiency causes:beriberi/anemia?
65) columnar epithelium contain : stratified layers/goblet cells?
66) If a cell has more no.of peroxisomes,?( ans- it has more metabolic activity)
67) Which of the following donot spread through respiratory route:measle/mumps?
68) varicella zoster causes: small pox/chicken pox?

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