Saturday, 4 February 2017

Anti Depression Drugs

Depression: Depression occurs due to decreased activity of Noradrenaline (NA) and 5-HydroxyTryptamine (5-HT).
Antidepressants drugs
Typical antidepressants
Atypical antidepressants
Tricyclic antidepressants:
a.       Nor adrenaline and  5-HT reuptake inhibitors:
·         Imipramine
·         Amitriptyline
·         Clomipramine
·         Dothiepin
·         Trimipramine
·         Doxepin

b.      Predominantly  Nor adrenaline reuptake inhibitors:
·         Desipramine
·         Amoxapine
·         Nortriptyline
·         Reboxetine
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors:
·         Fluoxetine
·         Paroxetine
·         Sertraline
·         Fluvoxamine
·         Citalopram
·         Escitalopram
·         Dapoxetine

MAO inhibitors:
a.       Non selective MAO inhibitors:
·         Phenelzine
·         Isocarboxazid
·         tranylcypromine

b.      Selective MAO-B inhibitors:
·         Selegeline
c.       Reversible MAO-A inhibitors:
·         Clorgyline
·         Moclobemide

·         Trazodone
·         Duloxetine
·         Mianserin
·         Tianeptin
·         Amineptin
·         Milnacipran
·         Mirtazapine
·         Nafazodone
·         Atomoxetine
·         Bupropion

Mechanism of action:
Typical antidepressants: They increase NA and 5-HT level by inhibiting metabolism or reuptake of NA or 5-HT.
Atypical antidepressants: They may or may not increase NA or 5-HT level or have different mechanism of action.
1st generation antidepressant: Inhibit reuptake of NA and 5-HT by inhibiting NET and SERT.  But also have anticholinergic, antiadrenergic and antihistaminergic effect. e.g. TCA, MAOI
2nd generation antidepressant: Inhibit reuptake of NA or 5-HT by inhibiting NET or SERT.  But have no anticholinergic, antiadrenergic and antihistaminergic effect. E.g. SSRI AND SNRI.
TCA:They inhibit reuptake of NA and 5-HT by inhibiting NET and SERT.  But also have anticholinergic, antiadrenergic and antihistaminergic effect.
SSRI: They inhibit reuptake of 5-HT by inhibiting SERT but not NET (NA). No anticholinergic and antiadrenergic effect
SNRI: They inhibit reuptake of 5-HT and NA by inhibiting SERT and NET but no anticholinergic, antiadrenergic and antihistaminergic effect.
Tricyclic antidepressants         v/s           SSRI
Tricyclic antidepressants:
Cause sedation
Cause weight gain
Anticholinergic action like blurred vision, constipation
Induce seizures
They inhibit reuptake of NA as well as 5-HT
1st  generation antidepressant
Low safety margin
No sedation
No weight gain
No anticholinergic action
No seizure induction
No Hypotension
They inhibit reuptake of 5-HT only
2nd generation antidepressant
Good safety margin

Ø  Low safety margin
Ø  Amoxapine (inhibit D2 receptor also) is metabolite of Loxapine
Ø  Also used for nocturnal enuresis.
Ø  TCA AND MAOI also known as 1st generation antidepressant.

Ø  Good safety margin
Ø  Cause anxiety
Ø  Inhibit ejaculation
Ø  Fluvoxamine: shortest acting SSRI
Ø  Fluoxetine: longest acting SSRI as well as longest acting antidepressant (for juvenile depression-only effective antidepressant)
Ø  SSRI are 1st choice of drug in depression, OCD, Phobias.
Ø  Paroxetine highly teratogenic SSRI.
Ø  SSRI and SNRI also known as 2nd generation antidepressant.
Ø  Non selective MAO inhibitors show cheese reactions.
Ø  Serotonin syndrome develop if SSRI are given with or after MAO inhibitors
Ø  They increase risk of seizures
Ø  Reversible MAO inhibitors not show cheese reactions.
Ø  Moclobemide is good choice for elder patient.
Ø  Venlafaxine and Duloxetine inhibit reuptake of NA and 5-HT but not have anticholinergic activity. They are also known as SNRI
Ø  Amineptin and Tianeptin increase serotonin reuptake.(Challenge 5-HT hypothesis of depression)
Ø  For smoking cessation Bupropion also used.
Ø  Bupropion inhibit uptake of dopamine and NA.
Ø  Mianserin: It blocks alpha 2 receptor, 5-HT2 and H1 receptor but not inhibiting uptake of NA or 5-HT.
Ø  Trazodone:inhibit alpha receptor  but weakly inhibit 5-HT2. Weakly inhibit uptake of 5-HT.
Ø  Mirtazapine: inhibit alpha-2 receptor and increase release of NA and 5-HT.
Ø  Nefazodone shortest acting antideprerssant
Ø  Duloxetine used for chronic neuropathic pain.

uses of 

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