Friday, 17 February 2017

Autocoid MCQS-4

1. Match the following
1. Bismuth chelate          a. Orange red urine color
2. Phenazopyridine         b. Red green color blindness
3. Ethambutol                 c. Cherry red urine color
4. Rifampicin                 d. Blackening of faeces & tongue
      a) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a                                                          
      b) 1-d, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a
C) 1-d, 2-a, 3-c, 4-b                                                         
d) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d

3          2    Match the following
  1. Ciggerete                a. Activates P450
  2. Omeperazole           b. Inhibits P450
  3. Pramipaxole            c. Decreases milk hormone
  4. Domperidone          d. Increases milk hormone
      a) 1-a, 2-b, 3-d, 4-c                                                         
      b) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d
C) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d                                                         
d) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c

3    Arachadonic acid is chemically
A) 5,8,11,14 eicosa tetraenoic acid                            
b) cyclopentyl heptanoic acid
C) 5,8,10,12 heptanoic acid                                       
d) 5,8,11,12 eicosa heptanoic acid

4    Prostaglandins are the derivatives of prostanoic acid containing carbon number
A) 20                             
b) 25                                 
c) 15                                   
d) 40

5    Prostanoic acid is chemically
a)      7-(2-octyl cyclopentyl) heptanoic acid
b)      2-(7-octyl cyclopentyl) heptanoic acid
c)      7-(2-octyl cyclopentyl) octtanoic acid
d)     2-(7-octyl cycloheptyl) pentanoic acid

6    Prostaglandins also named Endoperoxides are
A) PG G & H                
b) PG E & F                     
c) PG D,E,F                    
d) PG I

7    Cycloxygenase & lipoxygenase needs two agents for proper working. They are
1. Oxygen                    
2. Heampolymerase           
3. Nitrogen            
4. Heam oxygenase
A) 1 & 2                      
b) 1 & 4                             
c) 2 & 3                     
d) 2 & 4

8    Oppeanaur oxidation is the characterstic feature of
A) osmotic diuretics              
b) spiranolactone            
c) indomethacin        
d) loratidine

9    Phenylbutazone is metabolized in our body by an enzyme
A) esterases         
b) methyl transferase           
c)  azoreductase       
d) epoxidases

10    Khellin is a bronchodilator from Ammi visnaga. Chemically it is
A) flavonoid glycoside       
b) diterpenoid      
c) furano coumarin         
d) coumarin only

1.A     2.B        3. A       4.A        5.A      6.A      7.B      8.B     9.C      10.C

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