Friday, 21 July 2017

HSSC Food and Supply Inspector exam MCQS Series-7

Important facts about milk
Toned Milk

Minimum fat content- 3.0
Minimum non fat solid content- 8.5
Double Toned milk

Minimum fat content -1.5
Minimum non fat solid content -9.0
Skimmed milk

Minimum fat content -Not more than 0.5
 Minimum non fat solid content- 8.7
Full Cream
Minimum fat content -6.0
Minimum non fat solid content- 9.0
Buffalo milk denoted by the

letter 'B'
Cow milk denoted by the
letter 'C'
Goat milk denoted by the
letter 'G'
Standardised milk denoted by the
letter 'S'
Toned milk denoted by the
letter 'T'
Double toned milk denoted by the
letters 'DT'
Skimmed milk denoted by the

letter 'K'
Pasteurised milk denoted by the
letter 'P'
Pasteurised milk denoted by the letter 'P' followed by the class of milk. For example, Pasteurised Buffalo milk denoted by
letter 'PB’
Artificial Sweetener saccharin limit in sweets
500 ppm
Artificial Sweetener Aspartame limit in sweets
200 ppm
Preservative used in milk
Formalin (40%)

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