Saturday, 11 March 2017


1.     p;
The receptors also named “Somatic receptors” are
a) M1                      b) M2                           c) NN                d) NM
Natural vasodilator is
A.nitric oxide         b) nitrous oxide             c) adrenaline             d) GABA
An Effective Antidote For Parathion Poisioning Is
a) pralidoximes      b) naloxon                     c) fruseomide            d) charcoal
The Gland Required To Be Targeted In Myasthenia Gravis Is
a) pineal                 b) thyroid                      c) thymus         d) bone marrow
An Anti-Cholinergic Agent Used In Parkinsonism Is
a) trihexiphenidyl     b) atropine                   c) pergyline      d) homatropine
the drug not used in peptic ulcer is-
a) ranitidine            b) omeperazole    c) propanthiline          d) dicylcomine
The Receptors Whose Agonist Can Result Hyperglycemia Are
a) α2 & β1              b) α1 & β2                   c) α2 & β2                 d) α1 & β1
The Drug Chiefly Causing “Tachyphylaxis Is
a) tyramine                 b) amphetamine             c) isoprenaline           d) ephedrine
The Drug Not Used By Sportsman For Anabolic Effect Is
a) amphetamine     b) nandrolol               c) stenazalol                   d) labetolol
Ergot alkaloids are
alpha, 5-HT partial agonist, beta blockers
alpha, 5-HT blockers, beta agonist
alpha, beta agonist, 5-HT blockers
alpha, 5-HT, beta agonists
The Receptor Whose Agonists Are Used By Sportsman For Anabolic Effect Is
a) α1                         b) α2                                c) β1                                 d) β2
The choline ester resistant to both true and pseudocholinesterase is:
a. methacholine    b. bethanechol   c. benzoylcholine     d. butyrylcholine
Select Antagonist At M1 Receptor
a.oxotremorine       b.mcn-343a           c.pirenzepine     d.all of these
The Following Inhibitor Binds Only To The Ani-Onic Site Of The Cholinesterase Enzyme:
a. neostigmine     b. physostigmine    c. edrophonium         d. dyflos

Organophosphate Bind To Which Site Of Cholinestrase
a.anionic site          b.esteric site            c.both of these          d.none
Select The Lipid Insoluble Anticholinestrase
a.physostigmine      b.neostigmine         c.organophosphate      d.donepezil
currently, the first choice drug for open angle glaucoma is:
a. miotic eye drops                                  b. ocular alpha 2 adrenergic agonists
c. ocular prostaglandin analogues          d. ocular beta adrenergic blockers
Myasthenia Gravis Is A Auto Immune Disease occur due to development of antibody against nicotinic receptors(nm)
ii.treatment is usually started with neotigmine but half life is short
iii.pyridostigmine is an alternative which needs less frequent dosing due to long half life
iv.this disorder affect 1000 in 10000 people
correct statement
a.i,ii,iv            b.i,ii,iii                 c.ii,iii,iv                      d.i,ii,iii,iv
edrophonium is more suitable for differentiating myasthenic crisis from cholinergic crisis because of its:
a. shorter duration of action                            b. longer duration of action
c. direct action on muscle end-plate
d. selective inhibition of true cholinesterase
In Belladonna Poisioning Which Specific Antidote Is Used
a.atropine sulphate i.v                              b.physostigmine i.v
c.both of these                                specific antidote available
Which Statement Is  Correct About Organophosphate
a.they are lipophilic                     b.they are easily absorbed through skin
c.reversible cholinesterase           d.all of these
Which Anti Cholinesterase Drug Is Not Used For Alzheimer Disease
a.neostigmine            b.tacrine           c.rivastigmine             d.donepezil
which of the following anticholinestrase  was ist time used in alzheimer disease
a.rivastigmine              b.tacrine             c.physostigmine       d.neostigmine

Select The Synthetic Anticholinergic
a.homatropine      b.ipratropium bromide               c.cyclopentolate
d.all of these
Which of the following mydriatics has the fastest and briefest action:
a. atropine     b. homatropine       c. tropicamide     d. cyclopentolate
the following mydriatic does not produce cycloplegia:
a. phenylephrine    b. tropicamide     c. cyclopentolate       d. homatropine
Which of the following is a noncatecholamine sympathomimetic:
a. adrenaline     b. ephedrine        c. dopamine           d. isoprenaline
Choose the correct statement about nicotine:
a. it selectively stimulates parasympathetic ganglia
b. it has no clinical application
c. it is used as an aid during smoking cessation
d. it is used in alzheimer's disease
The following is a selective alpha-2 adrenoceptor antagonist:
a. prazosin       b. phentolamine           c. yohimbine             d. clonidine
the following sympathomimetic amine has agonistic action on a1 + a2 + b1 + b3 adrenoceptors, but not on b2 receptors:
a. adrenaline       b. noradrenaline        c. isoprenaline          d. phenylephrine
Sildenafil is contraindicated in patients taking the following class of drugs:
a. a-adrenergic blockers            b. b-adrenergic blockers
c. organic nitrates                      d. angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
What Is True Of Sildenafil:
a. it enhances sexual enjoyment in normal men
b. it delays ejaculation
c. it improves penile tumescence in men with erectile dysfunction
d. it blocks cavernosal a2 adrenoceptors
Propranolol does not block the following action of adrenaline:
a. bronchodilatation      b. lipolysis    c. muscle tremor      d. mydriasis
The following disease is worsened by propranolol:
a. glaucoma     b. raynaud’s disease   c. benign prostatic hypertrophy
d. parkinsonism
Select The Non Selective Beta Blocking Drug
d.all of these
Which Beta Blocker Drug Is  Highly Lipid Soluble
b. labetalol
Proranolol is equipotent local anesthetic as lidocaine
Chronic use of propranolol decreases hepatic blood flow, so metabolism decreases and t1/2 increases
Use of propranolol cause increase in LDL, Triglyceride level
It decrease intraocular tension without affecting pupil size
Beta 1 Blocker Decrease Rennin Release Except
a.pindolol       b.propranolol       c.sotalol     d. all
Which of the following is partial agonist
Pindolol    b.acebutolol    c. Both       d. none
Which of the following beta blocker have low lipid solubility
a.atenolol      b.sotalol      c.bosoprolol     d.all
Impurities in pharmaceutical preparation may be due to following sources:
(a) Raw material (b) Manufacturing process
(c) Chemical instability (d) All of the above
Sterile water for injection may be stored in
(a) Type 1          (b) Type 2    (c) Both (a) and (b)   (d) Type 3
Hydrogen peroxide is used as
 (a) antiseptic  (b) acidifying agent (c) protective   (d) antioxidant

Halogenation mechanism occurring with antiseptic are
(a) hypohalite    (b) sulphydryl
(c) halogens      (c) none
Example of strong acid is
(b) Hg+
(d) Cu+
Side effect of Ca containing antacid.
 (a) Renal failure  (b) Mille allkali syndromes
(c) Hyperphosphatemia  (d) All of the above
Expectorant are used in treatment of respiratory tract by
(a) viscosity of bronchial sec (b) viscosity of bronchial sec
(c) amount of refractory tract fluid a demulcent action is extract
(d) both (b) and (c)
The antioxidants action of sodium metabisulphite is due to
(a) release of sodium ions (b) release of SO2
(c) release of O2 (d) all of the above
1 rad is equivalent to
(a) 10–3  JKg–1    (b) 10–5  JKg–1
(c) 10–2  JKg–1    (d) 10–8  JKg
Gold-198 used in the treatment of
 (a) pernicious anaemia  (b) rheumatoid arthritis (c) detection of tumours (d) thyroid functioning
I-125 is used as
(a) thyroid functioning
(b) to detect and estimate drugs hormones in the body fluid
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of the above
Chromium 51 is supplied as sodium chromate solution or injection it is used for
(a) to label rbc
(b) diagnosis of various infections (c) cisternography
(d) ventriculography
1 Becqurel is equivalent to
(a) 2.7 × 10–11 curie  (b) 2.7 × 10–10 curie (c) 2.7 × 10–8 curie (d) 2.7 × 10–5 curie
ZnSO4 is official as a topical astringent
a) True b) false c) none
Ferritin is water insoluble crystelline iron protein
a) True b) false c) none
Sodium nitrite is classified as
(a) chemical antidote  (b) physiological antidote (c) mechanical antidote (d) all the above
In Wilson disease a condition of excess storage of
(a) Fe    (b) Zn
(c)  Cu  (d) I
CuSO4 is essential component of
 (a) Fehling solution  (b) Benedict solution (c) Tolland reagent (d) Both (a) and (b)
Beta particles penetrate tissue up to
(a) 100 cm         (b) 1000 cm
(c) 1 cm (d) 10 cm
Which of the following is not a type of gas filled detector?
(a) Proportional counter (b) G.M counter
(c) Semiconductor detector (d) Ionization chamber
Anaemia can be caused by
 (a) excessive blood loss.  (b) excessive blood formation. (c) both (a) and (b)  (d) none of the above
Cu deficiency can lead to
(a) Leucopenia  (b) Ganulocytopenia (c) Anemia  (d) All of the above
Iodine  is  essential  constituent  of
………………… hormone
a).insulin b) thyroid c) testosterone   d) adrenaline
Iodine has been used therapeutically as
(a) ameliorating agent in hyper-thyroidism
(b) fibrocystic agent in syphilis (c) expectorant
(d) all of the above
Ferrous gluconate has more bioavailability then ferrous fumerate
a) True b) false c) none
The use of sodium rose Bengal (I-131) in
(a) study of K ion exchange (b) liver scan
(c) plasma volume determination (d) brain scanning
Ferritin and Hemosiderin are iron storage protein found in liver, spleen and bone marrow
a) True b) false c) none
Potassium therapy is contraindicated in patient
(a) impaired renal fxn (b) acute dehychation (c) myotonia congenital (d) all of the above
In metabolic acidosis
(a) HCO3 excess (b) CO2 decreased (c) HCO3 deficit
(d) all of the above
The category of calcium gluconate is (a) antacid
(b) calcium replenished (c) antioxidant  (d) radiopharmaceuticals
The category of sodium dihydrogen phosphate dehydrate is
(a) antacid
(b) calcium replenisher (c) urinary acidifier
(d) respiratory stimulant
Calcium levulinate is used as calcium replenisher, chemically it is
(a) calcium-2-oxo pentanoate dehydrate
(b) calcium-3-oxo pentanoate dehydrate
(c) calcium-4-oxo pentanoate dehydrate
(d) calcium-5-oxo pentanoate dehydrate
AN example of expanded role of the pharmacist is
a)     Community leader
b)     Preparation of compounded prescription
c)     Maintain adequate inventory of orphan drugs
d)     Triages of pharmacist
A pharmacist is presented a prescription for 250 mcg of levothyroxine.Which of the following dosages would be equivalent to that amount?
a)     2.5 mg
b)     0.25 gm
c)     0.25 mg
d)     25 gm
Parental calcium is used as antidote for which of the following condition?
a)     verapamil overdoses
b)     hyperkalemia
c)     cocaine intoxication
d)     verapamil overdoses and hyperkalemia
Which of the following emission from the decay of radionuclide is most commonly used in nuclear medicine diagnostic imagining?
a)     x- ray
b)     β
c)     α
d)     Gamma
e)     Positron
a)     Which of the following radionuclide is most commonly used in nuclear pharmacy practice?
b)     gallium-67 ( 6 7Ga)
c)     thallium-201 (2 0 1Tl )
d)     technetium-99m ( 9 9mTc)
e)     iodine-123 (1 2 3 I )
f)      xenon-133 ( 1 3 3Xe)
Ris   Latin term whose meaning
a)     Subscription
b)     Inscription
c)     Superscription
d)     None of these
Subscription is related to
a)     Requesting GOD for quick recovery of the patient
b)     Direction to pharmacist for preparing prescription and no.of doses to be dispensed
c)     Direction given to the patient regarding the dose administration
d)     Give information regarding habit forming drugs
Dolore urgente   is   Latin term whose meaning
a)     Before meals
b)     Frequently
c)     When the pain is severe
d)     None of these
Mitte   is   Latin term whose meaning
a)     To be applied
b)     Send
c)     As a dose
d)     In the manner prescribe
Minimum space required to run a drug store
a)     150  sq.ft
b)     250  sq.ft
c)     300  sq.ft
d)     350  sq.ft
No. of pharmacist required in a hospital of bed strength up to 300
a)     5
b)     8
c)     10
d)     15
Thymol, Menthol and camphor leads to incompatibility which is known as
a)     Physical
b)     Chemical
c)     Therapeutic
d)     None of theses
Error in dosage leads to incompatibility which is known as 
a)     Physical 
b)     Chemical
c)     Therapeutic
d)     None of these
What quantities of 95 % v/v and 45 % v/v alcohols are to be mixed to make 800 mL of 65 % v/v alcohol?
a)     480 mL of 95 % and 320 mL of 45 % alcohol
b)     320 mL of 95 % and 480 mL of 45 % alcohol
c)     440 mL of 95 % and 360 mL of 45 % alcohol
d)     360 mL of 95 % and 440 mL of 45 % alcohol
Drugs in suspensions and semi-solid formulations always degrade by
a)     first order kinetics
b)     second order kinetics
c)     zero order kinetics
d)     non-linear kinetics
Term sparingly soluble (Approximate quantities(ml) of solvent by volume for 1 part (1 gm) of solute by weight) means according to I.P
a)     From 1 to 10 parts
b)     From 10 to 30 parts
c)     From 30 to 100 parts
d)     From 100 to 1000 parts
Taste sensation Sour is recommended  for which flavor
a)     Vanilla
b)     Wintergreen mint
c)     Liquorice
d)     Walnut
Simple syrup NF contains 85% w/v sucrose
a)     85% w/v
b)     85% w/w
c)     66.67 % w/w
d)     66.67 % v/v
The patient receives the usual dose of the certain  medication one teaspoonful contain administered volume
a)     3 ml          b)5 ml       c)10 ml     d)15 ml
Draves  test is associated with measuring the efficacy of
Wetting agent
Suspending agents
Which type of cream is superior
a)     o/w type
b)     w/o type
c)     Both
d)     No difference exist between them
A  Sweeper  in COP (Rohtak) is currently using En-De-Kay daily fluoride mouth rinse under the recommendation of his dentist. The mouth rinse contains sodium fluoride at a concentration of 0.05%. What weight of sodium  fluoride is contained in each 10 mL volume with which he rinses his mouth?
a)     5000 micrograms
b)     50 micrograms
c)     5 micrograms
d)     0.5 microgram
A patient weighs 14 kg and requires drug A at a dose of 5 mg/kg per day. What is the total daily dose for this patient?
a)     70 000 micrograms  
b)     70 000 mg  
c)     0.007 g  
d)     70 g  
e)     0.007 kg Droplets are red, background is colorless
Ratio of oil:water:gum,  if fixed oil is using in making emulsion
a)     2 : 2 : 1
b)     3 : 2 : 1
c)     4 : 2 : 1
d)     None of above
Largest size of capsule shell is
a)     000
b)     00
c)     1
d)     4
e)     5
Cocoa butter exhibit  polymorphism having  no. of polymorph
a)     1 b)2   c)3      d)4
Mandl’s  paint is also known as
a)     Crystal Violet Paint
b)     Compound Iodine Paint
c)     Tannic acid Glycerin Paint
d)     Phenol glycerin Paint
Aspartame approximately 200 times sweeter than sugar is  methyl  ester of
a)     Aspartic acid and phenylalanine
b)     Glutamic acid and phenylalanine
c)     Glycine and phenylalanine
d)     None of these
Sweetened hydroalcoholic solution is known as
a)     Syrup   b)Aromatic water     c)Elixirs     d) Spirit
The all followings are growth harmone except
a) Absicic acid b) dormin  c) ethylene d) IAA
Which of following is a gaseous harmone
a) IBA b) NAA c) Abscic acid d) Ethylene
Which of following is widely used as rooting harmone
a) 2,4 D b) NAA c) 2,4,5-T d)cytokinin
Is Known as father of medicine?
a)Aristotle b)  Dioscorides
c)Hippocratesd)  Galen
Drug is not under the class of organized drug :
a)  Leaves          b) flowers
c)  Fruits           d)  Gums
Which is true for DDT ? it is
a) not a pollutant b) an antibiotic c)an antiseptic agent d) a non degradable pollutant
Insecticide generally attack
a) respiratory system
b) nervous system
c) muscular system
Fabaceae is alternative name of
a) rutaceae b)Umbelliferae c) Leguminosae d) Liliaceae
a) is the process of genome doubling that gives rise to organisms with multiple sets of chromosomes
b) is the process of genetic material doubling that gives rise to organisms with multiple sets of chromosomes
c) is the process of mutation
d) none of above

1 comment:

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